Winter is coming!

Have you already stocked up on firewood or wood pellets?
Have you cleaned and checked your stove?
Have you already had the stove pipe and the chimney checked?

Having your house heated is not as easy as it could seem,
and safety must not be disregarded.
Nevertheless, you can avoid all these troubles and heat your home more easily,
cost-effectively and safely with our electric heating appliances.



Our strengths

Design adattabile

Flexible design

You stove is custom-made, with modern or traditional style.

Nessuna canna fumaria

No stove pipes and chimneys

No fire risk, nor maintenance needed. Zero emission.

Risparmio garantito

Saving guaranteed

Heating costs are almost eliminated if your house is provided with a photovoltaic system.

Accensioni programmate

Time-controlled switching

You can program in advance the switch-on from the control board.